14 March 2018

3rd place in the rating of Russian employers ITC-Electronics has taken the 3rd place in the rating of the best wholesale employers!
Authoritative HR-portal “HeadHunter” has been holding “The Best Employer of Russia" rating since 2010. In 2018 more than 250 companies from all over Russia took part in the rating. Our company took 53rd place in the list of all Russian employers, the third place among the Novosibirsk enterprises and the third place among the Russian companies in the wholesale trade.
A unique methodology based on external and internal evaluation has been developed to assess the company's success. External evaluation includes the opinion of jobseekers and assessment of the HR department work (HR specialists fill in a professional questionnaire). Internal evaluation is the opinion of company employees identified through analyzing the level of employees’ involvement by three criteria: satisfaction, loyalty and support for initiative.
Each evaluation stage has its own weight in the final score: survey of applicants - 40%; survey of employees - 40%; assessment of HR specialists - 20%. Three independent criteria are summarized according to their weight to determine the company's position in the rating.
For the details of the rating please visit http://rating.hh.ru/rating2017/
