The main difficulty in using Man-Machine Interface (MMI) onboard computers is presented by high demands to machine terminals. Convenience of interaction between human beings and machines will depend on their operability, resilience and ergonomics. Any malfunction of these machines can lead to very unpleasant and hard-to-deal-with consequences, and even technogenic disasters.
Of special significance are MM interfaces in train engine operations. It is hard to find a more responsible area of application for this equipment, with the exception, perhaps, of aviation and space sectors. There are not so many companies on the market of onboard railroad computers, and all of them deserve respect and admiration. Their equipment has been time-tested and showed great performance in various unconventional situations.
After analyzing the high requirements for manufacturers of such devices, ITC Electronics chose GERSYS GmbH as a supplier for solutions in this area. This German company from Upper Bavaria has been working on development and manufacturing of onboard computers for railways, military and other types of special equipment for more than 25 years. Their thought-through approach to automating engine performance and extensive experience in designing MMIs made this company a leader in the sector. The equipment that the company offers to the market is one of the well-tested and fail-safe systems. All major internationally famous train engine manufacturers have been including GERSYS online computers in their train operation cabins for a long time already. Its long-standing clients include large electric train engine and diesel locomotive construction plants in Europe, the US, Canada, Russia and CIS countries.
GERSYS explains the secret of its success very simply: the reserves and capabilities of the equipment they produce exceed significantly the conditions in most heavy and extreme environments. To achieve such high indicators, most of the company’s production facilities in Wolfratshausen (Germany) has been dedicated to testing labs, where the compliance of these computers with European railway standards EN50155 and EN50121 is tested. All the manufactured machines undergo the following types of tests:
- Electromagnetic compatibility:
- Grid-bound radiation: from 9 kHz to 30 MHz (compliant with EN55011 and EN55022 certificates),
- H- and E- field emissions = from 30 MHz to 3 GHz (compliant with EN55011 certificate),
- External electrostatic discharge, pulse overload (compliant with EN61000, 4-2, and 4-4 certificates),
- X-ray, alpha-ray radiation, from 80 MHz to 2 GHz (compliant with EN61000, 4-3 certificates).
- Environmental Testing:
- heated up to +180oC
- cooled to -45oC
- Relative humidity 5...98%
- Testing in accordance with IEC68-2-x.
- Testing for hit and vibration resistence:
- Search for compounds non-resistant to vibration according to IEC68-2-6,
- shock strength,
- vibration, noise from 5 Hz to 5 kHz in accordance with IEC61637.
The machines that do not pass these tests are simply removed from the cycle. The necessary tests, as well as other additional tests help guarantee future fail-free performance of MMI onboard computers. Parts and elements of GERSYS computers come from the leaders of the industry: Microsoft, Intel, IXXAT, Duagon, TQ Components, ALI and others, which guarantees reliability and minimizes risks of unconventional situations in applying MMI devices. Onboard computers of high quality allow the engine operator and the developer of the operation system to feel confident and safe.
Reliability and long-time service life of GERSYS MMI computers have been confirmed by ISO 9001 certificate, a multi-year warranty of the manufacturer and a large number of machines in operation throughout the world.
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